Live Demo for Higher Education: Auto switching for multi-cameras scenarios
Session 1
Date: Monday, October 11, 2021
Time: 10:00 PM WIB
Session 2
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 06:00 AM WIB
Registration Link: bit.ly/justfollowmetoclass
Class is back in session, and room automation is at the top of the syllabus! Join QSC for a live classroom demo of the new Q-SYS Automatic Camera Preset Recall v2.0 plugin that enables automatic, seamless camera positioning and switching to deliver better learning equity for remote students. This recent update now allows any microphone (fixed or multi-zone/lobed) to automatically recall Q-SYS PTZ camera presets based on a talker’s location.
Live demo includes multiple scenarios including instructor podium/fixed student positions, as well as support for a "roving" presenter​
New v2.0 feature overview, including support for vertical and horizontal angles on Sennheiser TCC2 microphones
Full deployment walkthrough of updated plugin and new sample design